"The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's greed."  
 Mahatma Gandhi
Hey there, in this opportunity I want to share with you this new project that I had done with some classmates with the objective of restoring the native flora of our country, Peru, and we have chosen to work with charichuelo, that is a fruit of the Amazon but that most of the peruvians maybe do not know. So we invite you to bring out avail form your time and check this charichuelo´s project that we present here. 


  1. Hi, Elma I hope that you are having a good day, I am very surprised for know about a new type of fruit and I congratulate the whole group that is realized this project, since like there are many peoples that doesn´t know about the Charichuelo, although we are Peruvian, because this fruit have a good nutritional value Able to help our healthy well-being. Also with the potassium and magnesium make this food one more important to consider in our daily diet. Likewise the idea for promote this fruit is good, but I think that for that people of other art of Peru know about that, the fair and the meetings must to do in different places.

    1. Hey there Sadith, I want to thank you for acknowledge the strivings of my group since when we started with this project we were sure that this would not be an easy task because most Peruvians disown charichuelo´s properties so we had to devise different ways to promote their consumption for example the fairs that initially would be in one place. Nevertheless, we had been thinking in to take it into consideration ypur advice and performe it in different parts of Peru.

  2. Hi Elma, I send u sm information aboutn fruits: Fruits are, perhaps, the most striking foods because of their diversity of colors and shapes. But in addition to what they show with the naked eye, they are part of the foods with the highest amount of nutrients and natural substances highly beneficial for health. Consider fruits as an extra dose of vitality that will always be well appreciated by our body.

    1. Hey there Dida, I want to thank you for the revelevant information that you had provided me about fruit since I did not know that they were part of foods with the highest amount of nutrients although the charichuelo contains their own nutrients such us potassium and magnesium. Nevertheless if you could give me some advices of how the project can be improved would be better.

  3. Hello dear companion I want to congratulate you on this project, since it tries to promote our cultural diversity with an unknown fruit, such is the case of Charichuelo, which highlights the benefits of our Amazon flora thanks to its high content of proteins, carbohydrates and calories. At the same time, I want to highlight from your project the way in which said is able to reach the daily diet of families, but they did not enter a specific place where they would implement the project, finally I just want to mention that the idea of making a gastronomic fair With all the varieties of food that can be prepared with the chrichuelo, it is the highlight of the project because both children and adults can learn the great nutritional value of the fruit.

    1. Thanks for the backslapping Glodovino. I remember that when we started with this project our main objective was to promote charichuelo's comsuption since like you said Peru has a great diversity of flora and fauna that we must value. Also, I invite you to read the fifth image since there we had mentioned that we would work with Puerto Maldonado´s population.

  4. It is very gratifying that there is an incredible project that promotes ancestral foods and incredible fruits of the Amazonian flora such as yours that promote Charichuelo, its benefits, preparations and type of food that we can prepare with this fruit, we can even use as an alternative medicine. That's why I like your project and a wonderful idea. Also, the idea of ​​promoting Charicuelo fruit helps other organizations that are trying to promote ancestral food, such as the Department of Culture, Gastronomy and Flora. Finally, an idea to help you promote this incredible Amazonian fruit for our country and even for the world is that you could use social networks and alliances with other organizations to reach every corner of the world, such as DEVIDA. In addition, you can use the posters or banners at fairs that are often held around the world, and can be accessed to meet people of all ages.

    I like your project, because apart from promoting the consumption of this fruit it is related to the patriotism that characterizes us.

    1. Thanks for your words societycoarhuanuco specially your advices since my group had not thought in use the social networks for promote charichuelo's comsuption but now that you mentioned that we could take it in consideration. Nevertheless we do not consider so important to use posters and banners at fairs since would be a lost of money because most of people not even read these but I agree with your propose of work in colaboration with DEVIDA bacause that way charichuelo could be more popular.

  5. Wow! I do like the project that you are in, because it contributes the society and tries to make well known the Charichuelo’s fruit, which at the same time is not so used by the population. On the other hand I want to congratulate you due to besides to make well known the Charichuelo you have purposed a daily diet with Charichuelo for families in general. What I suggest you, is to use the social media in order to reach you objectives, like to make well known the Charichuelo.

    1. Hey there Ronaldo, thank you for your backslapping and your advice although my group had already thought about using the social media in order to promote charichuelo's comsuption such us twitter, facebook and youtube especially this latter since we could publish some videos to teach people about how to do dishes of charichuelo. Also I am thinking in use twitter and facebook to inform people about the days that would be performed the fairs.

  6. Dear Elmita, I literally love your project, since it is pretty specific and complete. Furthermore, I recommend you to use some social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, so on. But, I wonder how far will Charichuelo help people, in special children to avoid those kinds of diseases like anemia? and if you can assess the Charicchuelo´s price in Puerto Maldonado, how much it would cost? Thank you for presenting your outstanding blog, I hope you soon answer.

    1. Hi Laura, thank you for recognize my group's effortss since during the time that we were doing that we had to think in different ways to promote charichuelo´s comsuption. Nevertheless, we had omitted the use of social media for fulfill this objective so your advice will be of great help. On the other hand different desserts could be done of charichuelo so this can help to diminish the anemia on children, also the charichuelo´s price in Puerto Maldonado will cost approximately 2 soles since like charichuelo is an Amazon fruit can be cultivated there.


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