Alternative Medicine
Currently Alternative medicine is extended around the world and according to Johns Hopkins University, more than 40 percent of Americans report using alternative medicine therapies for pain control when prescribed medications prove to be ineffective. Besides Alternative medicine has been playing a large role in the healing industry for centuries and its popularity is showing no sign of slowing down because the numerous benefits directly linked with this has created a wave of interest on the people that seems to continue to grow at a rapid rate.
Also Alternative medicine offers an integrated approach to healing and may include interventions through herbal remedies and therapies such us reflexology, massage, acupuncture and yoga which give us a state of physiological equilibrium in our body therefore when the therapy finishes we feel peaceful and relaxed.
But there is a question why is it continue to be used in our society? The answer is simple I mean that in most of the cases the alternative medicine is efficient and reliable us the herbal medicine and it can be used for treating many different kinds of health ailments like diabetes, heart condition, skin problems, allergy and respiratory problems. Besides this the herbs can help one deal with the problem of obesity, and they promote good health. Also according to FDA there are about four billion people (80% of the world’s population) who are currently using herbal medication treatment as their primary health care further proving the benefits of alternative medicine.
On the other hand the therapies can help you too for example the acupuncture is one of the most popular practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) around the world that help to treat a wide variety of diseases, pain and stress-related symptoms.
Surprisingly, although needles are used in acupuncture, treatments are relatively pain-free. In fact, one of the most popular uses of acupuncture is to reduce chronic pain throughout the body in a natural way, without the need for medications that cause unwanted side effects. But is Acupuncture safe? Absolutely, the National Institute of Health does consider acupuncture to be “generally considered safe when performed by an experienced, well-trained practitioner using sterile needles.” For that reason the use of acupuncture and other TCM techniques has risen steadily in the U.S and other Western countries over the past few decades. According to a large survey done in complementary health approaches by the National Institute of Health in 2010, in the U.S. alone at least 3.1 million people had tried acupuncture in 2010.
So the use of Alternative Medicine is extended every year and according to different testimonies of people they feel better using this due to this helps to treats the root of the problem. Also alternative therapies concentrate on relaxation and reducing stress. They help to calm your emotions, relieve anxiety, and increase your general sense of health.

Hello my classmate Elma, how are you today?. Well, really liked you article about the alternative medicine, because you have good ideas, therefore, you article it caught my attention because I can know some ideas about the alternative medicine that will help me, for example, I did not know that people in China tthey use the technique of acunputura like for they can relaxing, thanks for the datum.
ResponderBorrarOther things that I like much is when you mention that the alternative medicine being more used in EE.UU and I hope that in Peru it's the same.
Well, I enjoy much you article.