Answer N°3

Another thing that bothers you to lot is the kind of vocabulary they use at work and their jokes which are usually related to someone at work, they just love mocking people off.
So, what you can to stop this situation in such a way as not to make them feel bad or worse things?

Most of times we feel uncomfortable when someone start to talk groceries and talk behind the backs of others and usually we considerate him like ignorant nevertheless like mentioned Albert Einstein "We are all ignorant to a greater or lesser degree, only that we ignore different things “so the ignorance is something that nobody gets rid of  but, the worst of ignorance is not the fact of not being aware of it, but the fact of being aware and not doing anything to remedy it and this case happens with a lot of people everywhere so the best option to stop this is talk with that person, but first you have to think in an adequate place and words to tell him that you do not agree with his attitude for example I know that you are a great person with good feelings, nevertheless I do not like that you talk groceries and you scoff from the others so you can start to change that and I assure you are going to get along with everyone. 

Also, you always can insist in that but in a good way thus you can give moral support and do him take awareness because "When you become aware of your own ignorance is when the impulse that can lead to knowledge and wisdom arises", so he can to stop resentment and start to build up a good relationship at his work place where everybody is expected to respect each other.

By Elma Ponciano Navarro


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